Open Academy For Advance Science in Oncology

The Open Academy for Advanced Sciences in Oncology (OAASO) has been designed to attract international students and researchers to PACRI sites and to contribute to PACRI's international visibility and to the dissemination of its results.


OASO combines and gives added-value to international courses and workshops established on PACRI sites. It contribue to create novel educational initiatives and tools, as appropriate according to newly identified needs.


OAASO serves as a partner for dissemination and education, and has been imagined to improve the career perspectives of early-stage researchers through a mechanism of transnational networking. With time and the development of partnerships between OAASO and other scientific organizations at the international level, OAASO will act as a platform to attract younger scientists to Paris, and to promote and accompany the career development of local scientists. By using this strategy, PACRI constitute a powerful tool for the transfer of knowledge and innovation in Hemato-Oncology, unique to its kind worldwide.

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